The Vespa Club Sydney are delighted to introduce the Giro di Sydney (Tour of Sydney) Rider Championship Series 2021-2022 !
This event is a 12 month Giro di Sydney from July 2021 to June 2022.
It is a competition for Vespa Club Sydney members with points earnt for leading and attending rides, brekkies, visiting Vespa Club Sydney sponsored dealers and sponsor cafes and other official events including the “King of the Blue Mountains ride”
You can triple your event points by leading the ride or organising the event
You can double your event points by riding as Tail Rider and providing support as required.
The Vespa Club Sydney member with the most points at the end of June 2022 will win the official Giro di Sydney Gaetano Mozzo trophy named after our club founder and President for Life.
Please note that the Giro di Sydney is not a race and all riders must adhere to the road rules at all times.
The Vespa Club Sydney will be confirming the official starting event of the Giro di Sydney in conjunction with the removal of lockdown. Prepare your Vespa !